Update From Artistic Director 3/13
Update From Artistic Director 3/13
Dear Florida Rep Fans and Family,
I had hoped at this time of the year to be writing to you about our great productions thus far and our plans for an exciting future.
Instead, we need to discuss the current state of affairs regarding the health issues of our country. I know the virus scare is on the minds of everyone. The livelihood and lives of those closest to us have been dramatically affected. While we have not yet received word from our governor regarding a temporary curtailment of our business, we are preparing to comply with any mandates he might choose to enforce.
Florida Rep has initiated a program involving the sanitizing of every square inch of our facilities with bleach solution. Everyone at the theatre continues to wash hands, utilize hand sanitizer, etc. in an effort to ensure the safest possible space for our beloved patrons.
For those who prefer to wait and see what happens next, you are free to call the box office at 239-332-4488 or our toll-free number 877.787.8053 and exchange your tickets for a later performance. For those who prefer to stay home, we are working on creating multi-camera, high-definition video production of our shows that can be viewed from the privacy of your own living room. As many of you know, we are a not-for-profit organization that requires 2.5 million dollars a year just to maintain a debt-free budget. Ticket sales subsidize roughly half our operating costs. As a result of the threat of the virus, sales have fallen off drastically. This is rapidly becoming a critical problem as losing any revenue is a great concern for us.
To make matters worse, our annual fundraising Gala event is facing jeopardy. This is our main fundraising event each year. The Gala traditionally raises more than 1/3 of our annual staffing costs.
In order to make it through this unfortunate setback we hope that you will consider donating any unused ticket purchases to the theatre. More importantly, we sincerely hope you will find it in your hearts to make a further, significant contribution to the cause. I promise you, every penny given will support the great theater and educational programs that you have come to know and love at Florida Rep.
I can’t stress enough that this new state of affairs not only raises great health concerns but it has placed Florida Rep, as well as many others, in great financial distress. If you can find the resources to do so, please consider making a donation to Florida Rep at this extremely fragile time in the history of the organization.
I will be writing to you again very soon as this situation evolves. Until then, please know that you are cherished by us. We are thinking of you and your loved ones. This is your theatre and you are a valued part of this family.
Greg Longenhagen