
Opening Act: Bill “Bull” Ohse

Opening Act: Bill “Bull” Ohse


Stand-up Comedy with Headliner: Carl Guerra & Opening Act: Bill “Bull” Ohse: Stand-up Comedian

Bill “Bull” Ohse started his comedy career in front of an audience of four people on Sept. 11, 2002, the one-year anniversary of the Trade Center bombings, possibly the most difficult night in history to get a laugh. Despite his uphill battle, he did well. Within a year Bull was working as a stand-in M.C. for several local Bay Area comedy clubs, private, and corporate gigs. Destined to be a success, Bull is a comedy promoter’s dream, his unique brand of comedy practically promotes itself, produces huge results, and always leaves the audience wanting more. Today Bull is a national touring comedian, who is an active member of Comics Reaching Out, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising money for those in need.

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