An Update From Florida Rep’s Artistic Director
An Update From Florida Rep’s Artistic Director
Hello to our cherished Florida Rep
Patrons and Donors,
I know that some of you may have concerns about the
existing coronavirus situation and what Florida Rep is
doing to keep you safe.
First, let me say we are grateful for each and every
one of you and your wellbeing is our priority.
From what I have gleaned from the CDC and other
websites, this virus does not appear to be airborne-which
is a good thing. It can spread from person to person
through droplets from a sneeze or cough or by touching
an infected surface and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose. A big key to staying safe and keeping others safe
is to wash those hands. This will help protect against the common cold and the flu, as well.
Here is what we at Florida Rep have been doing and what
we will continue to do. We are insisting that our volunteers and employees wash their hands, regularly.
Our team is cleaning and sanitizing all of the theater spaces with
bleach by wiping down armrests, counter spaces, door
handles, as well as any areas that might have been
touched by human hands before and after each
performance. Our restrooms, which are cleaned every
day, are also being sanitized before and after each
performance. We are also cleaning the floors in the
Arcade hallway.
We’ve made antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer
available in our restrooms and in the lobby of the theater.
We only ask that you wash your hands before coming to the theater and please do stay home if you aren’t feeling well.
I know we as a community will get through this. Know that we will continue to make our theatre spaces safe for each and every one.
We are grateful for your compliance and for your patronage.
Greg Longenhagen,
Artistic Director